Ozone NZ WASP V1 Demo weekend recaps – Adrenaline Alley
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Ozone NZ WASP V1 Demo weekend recaps


The wind was looking great on Friday, so we packed the new WASP V1's with all our SUP foil boards range and made our way up to Lake Pupuke where we were lucky enough to meet up with Alan from Madloop Windsurfing.

When we got to the lake it was blowing a good 15 to 20 knots with a few real good gusts in between. A little rainy at the start but the sun was coming out to say hello from time to time as well.

We got busy pumping up all the gear plus the foil boards bolted together before we got people getting used to the WASP wing on land, which didn't take long at all. So before we knew it, it was time to hit the water. Lake Pupuke is a great spot for Demoing because it's nice and deep straight off the waters edge so we were able to watch all the action up close!  

It was great to see most people getting up and riding without too many issues. Having a big SUP board to start with seemed to get people going very quickly. The guys on smaller boards and big foils had no trouble also. We had about 20 people have a go and with the 3 demo wings on hand everyone was able to have a turn. 

It was a great turn out with people from all different backgrounds of water sports which really shows how diverse the WASP wing is going to be. we had Windsurfers and SUPer's and SUP foilers all out there having a go and loving it!

We fired the BBQ up in the afternoon to keep everyone warm and fed and cold beers to cool them off after their sessions.

After a great day on the water it was time to pack up and head back to Raglan for the next day of Demo's!

The wind didn't come in till late the following day in Raglan, so we spent the first half of the afternoon on the beach getting the WASP into peoples hands and then a few down winders. As well as firing up the BBQ to keep everyone warm!

Once the wind showed up it showed up in force so we were out there WASPing and having a great time. It was a lot of fun seeing a big mix of wind sports happening down in Raglan. 

Check out some action from our Demo days below! 

Check out all the photo's from E4 photo's:


It was a great weekend and thanks to all that come down and had a go on our new gear! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! You can shop our WASP wing online here. 

Check out the rest of the shots here.

A big thanks to:

Alan @ http://www.madloop.co.nz

Scott @ https://www.e4photos.co.nz/ for all the great shots.

and Sam Thom for the drone footage! 


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